Daniela Lopez

Potential Client Relations Coordinator

Legal assistant supporting immigration clients at every step

As a legal assistant, I help our clients feel cared for from the first time they meet us. I am responsible for communicating with potential clients, scheduling calendar appointments, and managing the contract process. I love this job because I get to talk to new people every day! I love hearing their stories, even if it’s just for a few minutes. My coworkers are pretty great, too, and I think that’s a great addition to the work that we do.

Why Immigration Law Matters to Me

Coming from a country with the highest migration rate in the world, I understand the importance of having a secure future in your new home and what it means if you don’t.

I am proud to help people who work very hard every day to provide stability to immigrants. It’s a struggle to balance what’s going on back in their home country and the challenges of building a whole new life in an unfamiliar environment. I admire anyone brave enough to start a life from scratch with the objective of providing a better future for their families or for themselves. It is rewarding to feel I am part of something that collaborates with them towards that goal.

Where do I feel like I belong?

You know you belong somewhere when you feel you can trust the people around you and they can trust you. You belong where your mind and your heart are aligned and untroubled, but most importantly, I think you belong where you feel calm and supported.

Family is #1

My favorite thing in the world is spending time with my family and loved ones. It’s a great privilege. My favorite food is somewhere between pizza and arepa andina.


Get in Touch with Daniela

Phone: (571) 583-0791
Email: daniela.lopez@saavedraperezlaw.com

Professional Licenses & Degrees

  • 3.5 years working in immigration law firms
  • Social media content creator since 2019
  • Undergraduate degree in Social Communications
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